* indicates mandatory field

End user information:

* *
For licensing issues, please list the affected authorisation number(s), EDN subscription number(s), quantity, and the feature name related to the issue reported:

Configuration information:

Description of system environment


Desktop Info

Service Pack
Operating System
32-bit or 64-bit

Server Info

WebAPI/Online Item
Service Pack
Operating System
32-bit or 64-bit

Database Info

DBMS Operating System
Web Server
32-bit or 64-bit


Virtual Environment
Hot fixed or installed?
Additional configuration information (multiple geodatabase model, hot fixes installed, patches applied etc.):
What language was used to write the operating system? Kindly indicate the following operating system settings: regional and language, standards and formats, and language for non-unicode programes. Lastly, was a localised version of AcrGIS 10 used?
Was the issue tested or reproduced by your IT department?

Troubleshooting Information:

Description of troubleshooting steps already completed

What are the desired outcomes/results?*
List all troubleshooting conducted by you or your IT department. Kindly include the detailed troubleshooting steps, results, online searches conducted, knowledge base articles referenced, bugs reviewed, etc.
Please write the full text of any reported error messages in english (even if a screenshot is attached):
Screenshots of issue:

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